Empowering Minority Businesses in Wisconsin

Minority entrepreneurs are instrumental in driving economic growth and community development. By creating jobs and providing goods and services that meet the unique needs of their communities, these businesses contribute to the overall prosperity of Wisconsin. They play a pivotal role in fostering diversity, innovation, and inclusivity within the state’s business landscape. While minority-owned businesses make...

Intellectual Property Rights and Your Business

Intellectual property (IP) refers to intangible creations of the human mind that have commercial value. It encompasses various forms of creative works, including inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs. Four primary types of IP rights exist: patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Intellectual property rights play a crucial role in fostering...

Wisconsin Corporate Bylaws

A corporate bylaw is the set of rules that govern the internal operations of a corporation.  Every corporation should have an Articles of Incorporation, sometimes called a certificate of incorporation in other states, and bylaws. The Articles of Incorporation is filed with the state’s secretary of state or other official body responsible for registering corporations,...

Wage Claims and Labor Standards Law

Unpaid wages, or wage theft, occurs when an employer fails to pay an employee what they are owed. Though this is not an exhaustive list, withheld wages may include unpaid overtime wages, an intentionally miscategorized employee, unpaid leave or benefits, non-reimbursement of business expenses, and/or failing to meet minimum wage requirements. If an employee suspects...

Why Your Company Needs an Employee Handbook

Employee handbooks are legal documents and should include all relevant policies and procedures that govern employee conduct. They are the primary source of information for employees about their rights, responsibilities, and benefits. They can also protect employers in employment-related disputes and claims. While employee handbooks can be a great way for companies to communicate important...

Retaliation in the Workplace

Workplace retaliation is a common basis of discrimination in employment cases, and state and federal laws provide protections for employees who oppose illegal discriminatory practices.  Employees have the right to communicate with supervisors or managers about discrimination, inquiring about salary information, resist sexual advances, request accommodation for disabilities or religious practices, and file a discrimination...
